Immingham in Bloom
Immingham In Bloom Immingham in Bloom was started in late 2009 as an initiative of the Town Council. Envious of the success of our neighbours in Cleethorpes and Grimsby, Council wanted to see if they could deliver anything like the same level of support here. (Who back then could have guessed what was to follow?) Funds were sourced and a group of keen volunteers was found. It is the partnership between the Council and this voluntary group that makes the project so successful. Working with volunteers engages the Council staff and brings the Council closer to the people it serves. In Bloom helps by funding over 500 hours of staff time by direct donation from sponsor funds, allowing staff to work with the group and keep the floral displays so nice. Council staff are as passionate about the project as are the In Bloom volunteers and attend In Bloom meetings to discuss ideas. They work with volunteers on “clean up days” and litter picking amongst other tasks such as weeding and strimming. They also enjoy the fact that they receive numerous positive comments from residents and visitors to the town, especially those who haven’t been here for a long time who always notice the huge changes. The partnership is clearly going from strength to strength and it could not exist without both sides pulling together. Each year this team is not only winning more awards but making a real difference to the town. That’s what gives staff, volunteers and Council the most pleasure!