title="Immingham Town Council in Lincolnshire"> Site A-Z  

Immingham Town Council serving the Town of Immingham in North East Lincolnshire.

Please contact us if you have questions concerning the work of the Town Council, if you have any concerns that you feel the Council should be aware of or where it can help or support you.

You can use the navigation menu to find your way around the site.                                                                                                                                                                  


Helping and supporting our most vulnerable residents

As we all try to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to provide reassurance that dedicated help and support is available across the borough for our most vulnerable residents

We know for some people it will be harder to maintain their support networks and social connections at this time. This leaflet outlines the range of additional advice and support for the elderly, vulnerable and socially isolated that will be in place over the coming weeks and months.

To stop coronavirus from spreading the most important thing we can do is wash our hands more often for 20 seconds, using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitiser. It is also really important that we reduce social contact through measures such as social distancing and social isolation. This includes things like avoiding non-essential public transport and avoiding gatherings, including with friends and family.

Community help

Our town is a place where people care about each other and want to do whatever they can to help those who need support.

With the help of our volunteers and partner organisations, we want to make sure that the necessary support is directed to where it’s most needed.

Targeted support

If you need support during this time, firstly ask a family member, friend or neighbour who you know and trust. This will allow our community volunteers to focus on those most in need of our help and support. This includes the most at-risk groups.

Protecting the vulnerable

We want people to stay safe, which means significantly reducing physical contact. However, this can lead to feeling isolated.

It’s important to remember that social isolation can be combatted by looking out for each other during the spread of the virus. It underlines how important friendship and social connections are in our daily lives.

Please do:

• Call friends, colleagues and relatives regularly on the phone and ensure they phone you on a regular basis

• Use Facebook and Twitter to keep in touch with friends and pick up the latest advice and information from the council and other public

Safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our residents is one of our key priorities. We want to make sure that our most vulnerable residents are safe when they are self-isolating.

If you are not sure about any offer of help you receive, ask the person to leave contact details and talk to someone you can trust.

If you are vulnerable and need help you can contact us on:

If you need any help, assistance or support please contact the NELC council Contact Centre on: 01472 313131,  North East Lincolnshire Single point of access 01472 256256 or Immingham Town Council on: 01469 727272 between 9.00am and 5.00pm from Monday to Friday and we will make sure the right help is provided safely and promptly.

Rev Julie Donn from St Andrews Church is available for support Tel no 01472 560916 / 07885843207

Age UK 01472 344976

Friendship at Home 01472 602500

Useful information

The NHS has put in place measures to protect patients, our community and NHS staff while ensuring as many services as possible are available to the public.

If you have symptoms or have to self-isolate for another reason, you are advised to follow the latest government guidelines about how long to stay at home.

Please do not book a GP appointment or attend your GP practice for coronavirus.

If you think you have symptoms of coronavirus visit: www.111.nhs.uk/covid-19 This can tell you if you need further medical help, and advise you what to do.

Only call 111 direct if you are advised to do so by the online service or you cannot go online.

You may still call NHS 111 or your GP practice, if you have any other health concerns.

We will be regularly updating our website: www.immingham-tc.gov.uk with links to information, help and advice.

For the most up-to date information for North East Lincolnshire please click on this link which is updated daily

Sector Support North East Lincolnshire

For the most up-to date information Nationally please click on this link which takes you to the .gov.uk site which also has the most up to date information.

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